SLDC was organized as a nonsectarian501(c) (3) corporation in 1997 to undertake activities related to and otherwise assist, create and foster community and economic development for the benefit of the New Haven community. More specifically:
Develop, improve and revitalize the infrastructure of the community by implementing, managing, directing and assisting construction, renovation, refurbishing and rehabilitation of physical structures
Work in partnership and collaboratively with Federal, State and local government agencies; community organizations, churches, public housing tenant organizations, private sector concerns and others
Develop, improve and revitalize the area circumscribed by Whalley Avenue, Sperry and Dickerman Streets to create a safe and supportive environment in which community members thrive and thereby improve the quality of life
Promote and assist small business development growth and expansion, including but not limited to: assistance to minority contractors and technical assistance to small businesses that serve the community